Bake It Yourself Instruction

Bake It Yourself (BIY)
Gluten free & Dairy free
Cinnamon Buns

with vegan cream cheese frosting 

  • Remove your bun tray from the freezer. Loosen the lid & let thaw for 30 mins OR Remove from the freezer the night before eating  and place in the fridge to thaw overnight instead. 

  • Your buns are yeasted so they will need to prove before you bake them for about 30 mins at room temperature. They should  feel less cold to the touch when they are ready.

  • Preheat oven to 350’f

  • Remove lid. Brush the buns with melted butter/df butter  if you want them to be extra rich. 

  • Place the bun tray on a baking sheet into the oven for 30-40 mins. Watch them closely - everyone’s ovens are different!

  • When they are ready  they should be lightly golden but not hard to the touch.

  • Enjoy right away by turning the tray upside down immediately onto a plate so that  all the caramelised deliciousness covers the buns.

  • Spread a layer of the df cream cheese icing onto the buns before enjoying. 

Show your BIY creations with us on instagram by tagging us @flourishbakefeed

Signature Pizza Dough 

Where can I buy pizza dough?
At our bakery
Mountain Goodness

Gluten free, Dairy free, Vegan

Ingredients: Organic Tapioca flour, organic brown rice flour, organic sorghum flour, yeast, organic coconut sugar, water, organic psyllium husk, sea salt, olive oil, apple cider vinegar 

  1. Lightly flour your countertop. 

  2. Bring your dough to room temperature from the fridge. The dough contains yeast so proving time is approx 2 hours (if your house is warm) or 3 hours (if your house is cold). 

  3. Preheat oven to 425f

  4. Roll out your dough with a rolling pin (or wine bottle) to approx. 12”

  5. Decorate with your choice of sauce and toppings

  6. Slide onto baking paper and bake on a bake stone or baking sheet for 15-20 mins depending on your preference of crispiness.

  7. Drizzle with good quality olive oil to serve.

  8. Enjoy & give us a tag on instagram @flourishbakefeed to share your homemade pizzas with us!

  9. (Raw dough can be frozen at time of purchase until ready to use. Simply thaw at room temp or in the fridge overnight, roll out & follow above instructions.)